Kazimierz – learn the history of the Jewish quarter of Krakow

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Kazimierz is a special place on the map of Krakow, combining centuries of Judeo-Christian heritage. We are confident that knows its impressive history completely. No matter, now you have the chance to get to the day;) Krakow Kazimierz: a legacy that lasts for centuries Modern Kazimierz was an island, and was separated from the city by the Vistula. King Casimir the Great during his reign decidióconstruir a new city. Even during his lifetime, the walls, towers and gates of the city began to rise on.
We all know the Jewish connotations of Kazimierz, so you should know how they arrived. The first Jews appeared here in the middle of the fourteenth century. Until the nineteenth century, the local community was an important center of Jewish culture in Poland and around the world: you was here nacieronpersonalidades prominent politicians, scientists and writers. Throughout this time, the center of his life was closed in the ‘Jewish town’, which occupied the area of ​​the streets today: Miodowa, St. Wawrzyniec, Wąska, Józefa and Corpus Christi. Jews were an enclave completamenteautónomo- governments took place only: the only superior was the king, whose representative was the voivode of Krakow.
In the nineteenth century, Kazimierz Krakow joined as a new district; the walls were demolished, filled the Vistula and created here Dietla Street. In the 1960s, civil rights were equalized, which allowed the Jews to actively participate in social and economic activities. Participated in the expansion of the district (architects, investors), and time also moved to the vecinoStrzegom. Cultural assimilation went smoothly. They prayed in six orthodox grandessinagogas (Old, Remu, Wysoka, Isaac, Popper and Kupa) and progresivasinagoga (Tempel). They were kept by the Jewish community; many houses of worship were also active.
Before the Second World War, the Jewish community had about 60,000 people, representing approximately 1/3 of the population of the city. The Nazis ocupantesreasentaron the judíosen the ghetto located the other side of the Vistula, in the district of Podgórze. Unfortunately, most of them were killed. As a result, Kazimierz was abandoned, and the destruction of war frightened passers-long tiempo.A nobody cared about the nooks and grietasde the streets and synagogues that were once vibrant.
Bohemia contemporary For years, Kazimierz was treated as unlugar quite dangerous, bringing the poorest margins of society people. Fortunately, these times are over irrevocably. Today, tempts with a nice atmosphere and an aura of mystery, attracting artists and residents increasingly choose it as a meeting place. In fact, the number of tourists who visit the old town puedecompetirincluso.
In the like mushrooms after the rain began creating cafés, galleries and revitalizóestudios known art, mainly around Ul. Szeroka, Izaaka, Miodowa, Józefa, Podbrzezie and around Nowy dePlac. The places worth visiting are difficult to have clarity. Each has a unique design and a unique atmosphere.

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