Komandoo Island Resort – a charming baby

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Imagine you have 50,000 m² of space to use. A small island in the Indian Ocean. There may be many ideas. We would like to create a paradise. Just … Someone has already beaten us. Komandoo Island Resort Maldives is an idyll in the form pure. Do not think you’ll soon find out! You do not have to be a Komandoo Just come here to see immediately that you do not need anything else to be happy. Komandoo Island is in the románticoAtolón Lhaviyaniy is managed entirely by private unpropietario: yes, is the same that lasted us;)
enough was 100 meters wide, 500 meters long and a lot of capital to create all that is a symbol of luxury and elegance. exotic nature apartments as fairytale castles, idyllic landscapes, turquoise waters of the lagoon. You see with the eyes of your imagination? Komandoo not have to be, you can be completely … yourself.
You and your loved one can lie on the sand and simply look velvet turquoise horizon, but where the ocean ends and the sky begins? Are you bored the beach? Get out for a walk (inclusocon children) among coconut trees have been growing on the island for over 40 years!