The island of Boracay is now open to visitors again!

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In February 2018, information was spread throughout the world that the Philippine government faces a massive ecological crisis. Local authorities Boracay Island could not cope with the tragic condition of the natural environment. As a result of inspections conducted, it was completely closed to tourists. To the delight of visitors, on 26 October, the ban was lifted. What was it exactly? The island of Boracay it is a black hole! ‘ Rodrigo Duterte, Philippine President thundered with these words. This is a violent reaction to thorough inspections there. They revealed that the vast majority of hotels, hostels, guest houses or pensions sewer system connected to the municipal water supply illegally. The result? All sewage and impurities fuerondirectamente to the sea.
boracay sunset

President Duterte demanded immediate action, radicalesy specific actions. Not only they wanted to avoid ecological disasters, but also a destructive impact on the tourism sector, which is an important link in the local economy. All facilities were unultimátum two months. If you do not resolve the irregularities at the time, they would face criminal closure.

Finally, Boracay Island was closed to tourists. And for several months.

Nothing will be the same On October 26, the island was reopened to visitantes.Sin But nothing will ever be the same. As part of the protection of the island, it has created a code and specific regulations that tourists are obliged to follow. Examples of restrictions? Nothing: no more music blaring, no more sleeping all day. There is also talk of banning alcohol drinking and smoking on the beach. Everything must be just yecológico ecological.
The Philippine government approved the project to build a treatment plant wastewater, a modern sewage system and waste disposal sites in Boracay. This was to serve a kind of rebranding of the island.The authorities want to break with the patch ‘Asian Ibiza’. Now he falls in love, couples and families with children. In the near future, it will be a haven for health, with access to local delicacies in a cozy atmosphere and lack of crowds of tourists.