Wilanow Palace: everyone would like such a gift!

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Tourist attraction, museum, monument, place full of magic: all these terms perfectly describe the Wilanow Palace. stunning interiors with a wonderful original decoration and equipment will take you on a journey you will remember for a long time. We disclose the secret of secrets … Palace in Wilanow and its incredible story The monumental building was built for 15 years, from 1681 to 1696 by order of King Jan III Sobieski. It was an expression of love and gratitude to the king for his beloved Marysieńka. Augustyn Locci oversaw the project and its implementation. Did you know that originally Wilanów llamabaMilanów? Later, the village received, according to the manners of the time, the name of Villa Nuova. New Villa eventually became Wilanow.
In the early years, the building was a typical suburban residence magnate. It not even much stood out like her. A talented architect directly from the Netherlands, Tylman of Gameren, was responsible for the expansion and decoration of the palace of Wilanow.
Palace in Wilanów After the death of the ruler, the palace became enpropiedad their children. Unfortunately, because of a conflict between them, the residence fuedespojada of all equipment and furniture. The palace passed from hand to hand, becoming after the ruler’s death, the palace changed owners repeatedly, becoming the headquarters of eminent Polish families: Sieniawski, Lubomirski, Czartoryski, Potocki and Branicki. The residence has been rebuilt many times, so you can find the influence of various periods and styles of the seventeenth century to the nineteenth indoors.
The palace along with additional buildings have retained circundantey THE PARK architectural form, historical values ​​and artistic unchanged despite partitions, wars and occupation. Curious, after the state confiscated in 1945, could not revisit desde1962. The turning point in recent history was 1995: From this year, the palace and the palace complex and park are managed by elMuseo of the Palace of King Jan III in Wilanow.
Wilanów still impresses with its architecture Wilanow Palace is a proud representative of the Baroque art. It is harmonious unacombinación of European art and ancient Polish tradition. The interiors of the palace were decorated by the best artists of his time, including Bellotti, Palloni, Callot and Pietro Innocente Compareti.
palace in Wilanow
Inscriptions and statues that relate to the courage, justice and power of Jan III Sobieski is a unique element of the ‘decoration’.
Enters gardens and relax ElJardín, extending to 43 ha, unaparte integraldel complex parks and palaces. Successive owners changed their structure in their own way. THE PARK is divided into several parts. One of the most special elAkademos Grove is located in the northwestern part of the park, where you can admire the monuments of our two compatriots: Jan Kochanowski and Franciszek Karpiński.
The eastern part is occupied by eljardín Italian Baroque, where they were placed up to 21 historical sculptures after World War II. There you will also find four cupids statues, symbolizing the four phases of love;)
[Caption id = ‘attach_14314’ align = ‘alignnone’ width = ‘960’]  palace in Wilanow What do you think, at what stage of love? [/ Title]
Not disclose all the details not rejoice to discover and explore. On the grounds of the palace, during the year, are held many cultural events such as losConciertos real summer in the garden of roses neorrenacentistao International Academy of Ancient Music summer.
Asa we curiosidadtambién mention the fact that it was in the Palace of Wilanow it dondenació in 1938una known and beloved actress, whose blue flowing veins, blood -Beata Tyszkiewicz account .

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