Hydropolis – Wrocław speaks notably on water

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There are few places in the world to combine knowledge with such a flourish with a modern form of transfer. Environmental Education Center at Hydropolis Wrocław is the only place in Poland which significantly reveals the world of water. All anyone can come here and be bored. FIND IT OUT! Hidrópolis, or story multimediaHydropolis opened in 2015. It is located in a historic clean water tank, which was put into use in 1893, which served its purpose until 2011. Then the necessary repairs and reconstruction of a unique place, showing the vital role of water for everyone.
Divided into nine thematic areas, exposiciónmuestra water from a different perspective. Each room is filled with touch interactive installations, replicas, models, exhibits and even tables and models. Hydropolis is fascinanteun unviaje world in which we do not think every day. Maybe sometimes, due to news of another drought in Africa or Asia hurricane …
One issue: many perspectives is best to start sightseeing from the room ‘Water Planet’, where you will learn the theories about the origin of the water, its structure and presence in the universe. In Hydropolis you will also learn about innovative discoveries and how humans use water. contemporary ecological issues were also raised.
[Caption id = ‘attach_12609’ align = ‘alignnone’ width = ‘1803’]  hydropolis wrocław photo: wroclaw.pl [/ caption]
If desired, you can access tropical laplaya, hear the sound of the sea and even experience entry into the midst of the cloud. Of course, we also know the inhabitants of the depths of the sea, from powerful sharks, through banks goldfish to microbópicos microbes.
Encontramosdocenas also ship models, ships and other buildings. True success is the bathyscaphe Trieste recreadacápsula faithfully, in which two daredevils, including Don Walsh, a US official, oceanographer and honorary ambassador of the Center in 1960 explored the bottom of the Marian Trench. Yes, you can sit on it 🙂
Have you ever thought about becoming Zeus for a moment and become a powerful god? Nothing: in Hydropolis, causes a storm realen a truly theatrical style. And there will be storm in a teacup. much space was also dedicated to the presence and importance of water in culture, especially religion and art.